“The only thing you can give is everything you are in this moment.”

- Suzii Chan



Self as Portal

SELF AS PORTAL was birthed through the spaciousness of love risen from the constriction of lack. The healing journey towards complete self-acceptance and being free from self-limitation is a path through the darkness, uncertainties, immense doubt, and fear.

That inner calling to drop from my headspace into the body to physically express my BEingness is the essence of the artwork: Come as you are, willingly and by surrender to the self – then will you gain access to the portal within that returns you back to the home of you. 

This body of work is about you, the viewers.

It is an invitation to experience the series in a way to see yourself from a different perspective through phases of choosing acceptance, trust, surrender, and to be with it the rawness. Where you can free yourself more and who you need to be to love yourself more.

SELF AS PORTAL is a potential gateway to the version of you willing to see the greatest possibility of you.